
Milano ArtWeek 2024 – Visite guidate in Fondazione (8-13 aprile)

Su prenotazione
Milano, Corso di Porta Vigentina, 31 (ingresso da via Cassolo, di fronte al civico n. 3)


On the occasion of Milan ArtWeek, the Somaini Foundation organizes special curator-led visits to the exhibition Francesco Somaini. At the origins of the sacred, set up in its spaces until 30 June 2024.

The exhibition, which highlights the recent discovery of a work by Somaini at the Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo, now permanently exhibited in the Sala dei Milanesi, is part of the celebrations of the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of Enrico Crispolti, curator of the Catalog raisonné of the sculpture of artist.

The theme of the “sacred” in Somaini’s work, not only sculptural, arises from a reflection on processes of regeneration, transformation, death and rebirth. With respect to the different phases of his creative activity in which subjects linked to him emerge, some nuclei of works inherent to this idea are presented here. The visitor is led to discover the series of Martyrdoms (1958-61), which express the motif of the cross through a secular-existential approach linked to the post-war cultural climate (the theme taken up again in the cycle of the Carnifications of an architecture of the ’70), and the Great Altarpiece of Life and Death, an unfinished installation from 1967-68, reconstructed here for the first time on the basis of recently found documents and drawings.

Guided Tours:
Monday 8, Thursday 9, Wednesday 10, Friday 12 e Saturday 13 aprile, 11 a.m.
Each visit will last approximately 45 minutes.
Free entry by reservation only while places last: fondazione.somaini@gmail.com | T. 02 58311707.

On the occasion of Milano ArtWeek the exhibition will also be open, by reservation: from Monday 8 to Friday 12 April, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturday 13 April from 11 a.m. to 12 a.m..
For information and reservations: fondazione.somaini@gmail.com | T. 02 58311707.

Entrance for visitors from via Cassolo, in front of number no. 3.