L’intime, de la chambre aux réseaux sociaux

From 15 October 2024 To 30 March 2025
Musée des Arts décoratifs, Paris

Is privacy threatened today or, on the contrary, is it becoming tyrannical to the detriment of the public sphere? What do the objects of our daily lives tell us about our relationship with the intimate and the way in which it has evolved since the 19th century? Presented in the museum’s nave, “Intimacy, from the bedroom to social networks” is part of a new reiterative program of decorative arts and design exhibitions that emphasize a sociological approach. It is an original reflection on the way in which objects reflect lifestyles and developments in society. The chosen theme is that of the relationship with the underwear and its transformations over the centuries. Bedrooms, beds, armchairs and sofas, screens, mirrors, bourdaloues, toilet chairs, bathtubs, sex toys, connected objects and applications populate this exhibition which explores various themes related to intimacy: sleep, eroticism, sexuality, beauty, body care, the way of being together, promiscuity or the desire for isolation. Contemporary aspects of intimacy are also explored, such as those generated by social networks, new surveillance technologies or even precarious situations. Craftsmen, artists and great designers from the 18th to the 21st century are evoked through this intimate story, from Édouard Vuillard to Edgar Degas, from the Bouroullec brothers to Gaetano Pesce via Superstudio and Archizoom, or even from David Hockney to Nan Goldin.

In the exhibition, curated by Christine Macel (director of the museum and general commissioner) and Fulvio Irace (exhibition commissioner and historian of design and architecture) with the scientific consultancy of the designer and architect Jean-Louis Fréchin and the setting up of the architect Italo Rota, the Contenitoreumano n. 1 will also be exhibited. It was created by Francesco Somaini and Ico Parisi in 1968, and today it is in the Permanent Collection of the Milan Triennale.